Survey 研究 Guidance

Surveys can be important tools for studying human behavior. In order to produce reliable and valid data, surveys must be carefully designed and rigorously pre-tested. This guidance is designed to provide best practice for survey research.

研究生院要求所有学生完成调查研究 Survey Development Checklist [DOCX] and submit it with their IRB application in Cayuse IRB.


研究 Question/Hypothesis Generation

All research studies should be designed to generate data that, 当分析, 将回答一个问题或证实/反驳一个基于现有文献的假设. Survey research is no different. 必须使用一个明确的研究问题和/或假设,以便可以清楚地定义要评估的变量. If the researcher does not clearly define the variables, then it is impossible to measure the variables.

一旦产生了研究问题和/或假设,并明确了所研究的变量, 研究人员可以着手决定如何测量变量和收集什么样的数据.

Data Collection and Analysis

Before beginning any research study, 了解将要收集的数据类型并制定如何分析这些数据的计划非常重要. With survey research, many different types of data can be collected. Data can be qualitative or quantitative. Quantitative data can be nominal/categorical, ordinal, interval or ratio. 每种不同类型的数据都需要不同的数据分析技术和统计测试. 使用与所收集数据类型不一致的数据分析技术将导致错误的发现. Knowingly reporting incorrect findings is research misconduct.

此外,确定需要收集多少数据也很重要. 这是, 为了收集足够的数据进行分析(i.e.,功率充足). 经常, 对于定量数据, this involves a power analysis, 使用预期效应大小和统计能力的任意标准来确定需要多少受试者. For qualitative data, saturation is used as a determination of sample size.

在规划调查研究中,为了统计有效性和保护人类受试者,考虑样本量是很重要的. Enrolling too few subjects means that people were put at risk, no matter how minimal the risk may be, for no reason because viable findings won't result from the study. 招收太多的受试者会使更多的人处于绝对必要的风险之中. 此外,为了产生有效的结果,一些统计测试需要最小样本量. All of this should be determined before data collection occurs.

有效性 and 可靠性


有效性指的是调查或评估实际上测量了它所要测量的东西. Surveys must be valid in order to produce interpretable results. There are many different types of validity.

内容效度是对每个调查项目的适当性的定性评估,给出了调查要测量的变量. 评估内容有效性的方法是让了解内容材料和变量的人员检查每个问题,以确保它属于调查,并与被测量的变量相关.

Criterion 有效性 is more stringent than content validity. Criterion validity uses an already-validated, 对所研究变量的标准度量,作为对设计中的调查的比较. 设计中的调查,如果有效,应该显示出与标准测量的高度相关性.

Construct 有效性 assesses the practical utility of the survey. 这是, do many different measures of the same variable produce similar results, 相似但不同的变量的不同测量是否显示出很少或没有关系?

There are many different ways to measure validity; however, all surveys should be validated before use in research. 为了调查开发的目的,验证可以在小样本中进行试点测试. 如果用于验证调查的数据不需要,则验证通常不需要人工受试者审查 be combined with the data when the survey is deployed.


可靠性是指调查或评估的稳定性或可重复性, 确保调查在相同的情况下对相同的人获得相同的结果. There are three types of reliability.

两次试验法的可靠性 检查在不同时间点对同一个人进行的同一调查的反应的相关性. 如果调查是可靠的,那么两个时间点的测量结果应该非常相似.

Alternate-form 可靠性 uses two differently worded versions of the same survey, with either question wording or question order slightly changed, to determine the reliability of the survey. Both versions of the survey should produce highly similar results.

Internal Consistency 可靠性 衡量所有调查或量表项目在组合在一起时如何衡量同一变量. 内部一致性反映了项目在测量同一变量时相互补充的程度.

Different types of reliability may be appropriate for different surveys. 例如, 内部一致性信度可能不是衡量人口统计信息调查信度的最佳方法,因为人口统计调查中的每个项目测量的是不同的结构或变量(例如.e., 关于性别的问题不会像关于收入或种族的问题那样测量相同的潜在变量). 在选择可靠性衡量标准时,考虑调查中信息的类型是很重要的. 选择不适当的可靠性度量将不会产生有意义的确定.

Survey Question Responses

对调查问题的回答必须设计成提供已经确定的数据分析计划所需的数据类型. Different statistical tests require different types of data. 如果对调查问题的回答选择不提供特定统计测试或数据分析计划所需的数据类型, 然后,调查不是一个准确的测量工具的变量研究.

Survey Review by Another Party

It is considered best practice to have a few people, ideally people who are not on your research team, review your survey for clarity. This is different from a review for content validity. The purpose of this review is to make sure that the questions, 的措辞, are being interpreted as you intended. If your questions are misinterpreted by a research participant, then the responses to those questions will not be valid.


试点测试指的是将你的调查部署到一个非常小的样本人群中进行评估,然后对这个样本的措辞进行调查或采访, content and clarity of the survey. Pilot testing will reveal if questions are clearly worded, if the survey is easy or burdensome to complete, and if the questions seem relevant to a typical research participant.

最重要的是, 试点测试将显示您的问题和回答选择是否产生足够的可变性, which is important for data analysis. 例如, if you have a question with four response choices, and all pilot subjects choose the same response, 那么这个问题可能就没有意义了,不能按原样包含在调查中,可能需要修改或重新措辞. 



For additional assistance in research design and statistics, including survey development, 研究生学习和研究办公室为教师和学生提供帮助. 请联系  (电子邮件保护) 预约.
