
Writing intensive courses are more than simply courses in the discipline asking students to write. They are courses providing pedagogical support to help students acquire productive strategies for writing in disciplinary contexts. 有足够的支持和指导, students become able and flexible writers who can undertake a variety of disciplinary writing tasks. 有适当的支持, students also gain familiarity with the various genres of their disciplines and with the written conventions for producing those genres.

他们是 课程写作(WAC)研究员 have developed a particular expertise in disciplinary writing instruction and are well-prepared to teach WI courses. WAC计划为那些教授WI课程的人提供支持, 包括车间, 个人咨询和春季学院.


As a vital part of Education for Participation in a Global Community (the general education program), the Writing Intensive courses are a critical aspect of EMU students' educational experiences. WI courses serve as a tangible bridge between the general education program and the specialized major experience. The WI outcomes both build on the outcomes of the earlier foundational courses and ask students to deepen their work with those outcomes within a particular discipline. 这些课程还为所有欧洲货币联盟学生提供了共同的职业经验, 然而专注于每个专业.


  • 在蓬勃发展的WAC项目中得到嵌入和加强;
  • Ideally taught by tenure-track faculty who are invested in and energized by teaching writing within their disciplines;
  • 理想情况下由小班组成(20名学生或更少), 谁的教员有时间, 以深思熟虑的方式教授写作的精力和教学支持;
  • 由一个强大的大学写作中心支持.

*The National Council of Teachers of English Statement on class size and teacher workload states in part, 每节写作课的学生人数不得超过20人. 理想情况下,课程应该限制在15个以内. 学生不写就学不会写. 在大于20的部分, teachers cannot possibly give student writing the immediate and individual response necessary for growth and improvement."



  • Learn and practice flexible strategies for reading and writing for different purposes in a discipline.
  • Write in ways that achieve the purposes for writing and address the expectations of audiences in disciplinary contexts.
  • Learn to engage in inquiry and develop processes for research applications to and acceptable within one's discipline.
  • Gain familiarity with and use discipline-specific genres and appropriate modalities to communicate information.
  • 理解并遵循沟通的惯例, 传播, 解释一个学科的信息.
  • Cultivate a reflective mindset for analyzing writing processes and constructing plans for subsequent writing through assigned meaningful reflection on writing practices and experiences.


The Writing Intensive Subcommittee is committed to honoring each discipline's approaches to the WI outcomes and is hesitant to list additional criteria other than the WI outcomes. 每个专业的WI课程都应该有很大的不同. The committee offers these general parameters in the spirit of helping faculty members see how existing or new courses might become WI. 请记住,这些只是指导方针,而不是要求:

  • 在WI课程中,写作通常占学生最终成绩的30%到60%.
  • Students in WI courses usually complete one major writing assignment (any genre) or a series of shorter or smaller writing projects (e.g.(三到五个).
  • 较大的写作项目通常是“阶段性的”," with student work supported through direct instruction and intermediate steps providing opportunities for feedback and revision.


以下是一些不同专业的WI课程可能的“样子”. (在本例中,“CLAS”的名称是虚构的.)


  • 通识教育课程
  • CLAS 300 WI:“(本学科)写作入门”
  • CLAS 350 WI:“(本学科)专题”
  • 主修和辅修课程
  • CLAS 400 WI:“顶点高级写作计划”

响应认证要求和/或学生需求, 院系可以在必修课程之外开设一系列WI课程. 在这个场景中, a major might include an introductory course that meets the WI outcomes and then subsequent courses that extend and deepen students' experiences with those outcomes. Since the WI requirement specifies only a minimal amount of writing instruction in the major, 一个更明确和有凝聚力的WI结构可以增强学生的沟通能力.


  • 通识教育课程
  • 主修和辅修课程中有WI课程或课程中有主修课程作业, some 300- and/or 400-level course or courses meet the WI outcomes and have been vetted in this way
    对于一些专业, it may be appropriate to designate several upper-level courses as WI so that all students are ensured of taking at least one WI course in their degree work.


WI courses are related to the 一般 Education program and to majors in the following ways:

  • 写作强化课程是大学(“毕业”)的要求. 他们是从通识教育项目中成长起来的,但在技术上并不属于通识教育项目. 如通识教育输入文件所定义, WI课程是本专业的高级(300级或400级)课程. 通识教育课程, 另一方面, 所有100级和200级的课程都没有先决条件吗. WI课程,因为是高级的专业课程,可能有先决条件.
  • EMU的每个专业必须至少有一门wi指定课程.
  • 英格兰121年, “公共经验的写作与研究”,可能被列为WI课程的先决条件.



  • Some departments may choose to designate one common WI course; others may decide to offer several different options.
  • Existing courses that are not substantially changed by the addition of the WI outcomes need not go through the college input systems. These courses can be submitted directly to the director of course and program development after they have been approved within the department.
  • 新的或有重大变化的课程必须通过大学的输入系统. 在离开系里和家乡大学之后, these courses can be vetted for WI at the same time they are being reviewed by the other colleges.


他们是 developing and teaching WI courses can benefit from several kinds of support:

  • 课程写作项目的负责人, Writing Fellows and members of the Writing Intensive Subcommittee can offer workshops within departments and/or serve as mentors to faculty who are developing WI courses. Please contact the WAC director to arrange departmental workshops or faculty mentoring: 安Blakeslee, (电子邮件保护); 487.0694.
  • WAC项目定期举办研讨会, 研究院, and seminars for faculty from across campus who are interested in using writing more effectively in their courses. 部门不应该收到这些事件的信息吗, 请与WAC主任联系, 安Blakeslee, (电子邮件保护); 487.0694.

WAC计划, the 大学写作中心 and the Academic Projects Center are committed to providing ongoing support for faculty and students in Writing Intensive courses. 教师 or student-based workshops and/or consultations may be scheduled with any of these resources.
