
  • What are the academic requirements to stay eligible for the 4、毕业奖学金 for my junior and senior year?


    新生成绩必须至少达到3分.平均绩点0分,SAT成绩1030分或ACT成绩20分才有资格参加该项目. 为了保持获得奖学金的资格,学生必须满足5个条件学业进展令人满意(要求你获得及格分数(2).至少占你所修学分的67%. F、W、I、N、NC或重复课程的成绩不是“挣来的”.")

  • 这是第一年和第二年的固定学费吗?

    是的; the 4、毕业奖学金 offers you a locked-in tuition rate for year one and year two. 例如,2018年秋季入学的学生将支付413美元.入学前四个学期每学时60美元. 可选的夏季入学不包括在4WARD. 
  • Can this scholarship be awarded to new, incoming freshmen for non-fall semesters?

    No; the 4、毕业奖学金 is a fall-start only scholarship.
  • Are international students eligible for the 4、毕业奖学金?


    是的. In addition to Global Rate, international students are eligible for the 留学生毕业奖学金

  • 转学生呢??


    的 4、毕业奖学金 is only for first-time college student applicants. 了解更多关于 转移奖学金.

  • 如果我要花四年多的时间才能毕业怎么办?

    就像所有欧洲货币联盟的一年级大学生奖学金一样, 4WARD毕业奖学金是一个为期四年的奖项. 许多学生将带着一些大学学分来到澳门最正规网网站登录, 而其他人会选择参加暑期班. Students can also extend their time at Eastern if necessary but that additional time will not be funded. 注意,东方大学的奖学金不包括暑假, 所以你将支付任何暑期课程的常规学费.
  • 可以开始我的注册模式吗, 然后休学一学期, 然后在下个学期回来,仍然有资格?

    的 4WARD scholarship, like all 澳门最正规网网站登录 scholarships, is an award for eight consecutive semesters. 例如,一名学生在2019年秋季作为新生入学. 预计到2023年5月毕业. 如果他们在2021年秋季休学的话, 他们将有资格在2022年冬季获得该奖项. However, the award would end as originally scheduled in May of 2023. 如果学生有令人信服的退学理由, they can submit an appeal for review by our FA Scholarship/Satisfactory Academic Progress committee.
  • What if I've already earned college credit (AP, IB, Dual Enrollment, etc.)?

    这样才有资格享受第二年的免学费, students must pay the locked-in tuition for 60 Eastern credit-hours within the first two consecutive years. 这也可以在夏天完成. 的 student must also obtain the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards as noted above (2.平均绩点00分,66%的学分顺利修完.)
  • 我可以获得Emerald奖学金和4WARD奖学金吗?

    No. 你需要选择4WARD或Emerald奖学金.
  • Can I receive my the 4WARD Scholarship and another 澳门最正规网网站登录 scholarship?

    No.  的 student needs to choose either 4WARD or their other offered 澳门最正规网网站登录 Scholarship (Education First Opportunity Scholarship, 东方学费优势, 等).
  • 我可以获得我的体育奖学金和4WARD奖学金吗?

    No.  的 student needs to choose either 4WARD or the Athletic Scholarship.
  • 其他奖学金呢??


    的 4、毕业奖学金 can be combined with any federal grants, loans or work study. 事实上, we encourage students to file their FAFSA to see how you can supplement your payments with student loans and other federal aid.

    的 4WARD Scholarship cannot be paired with other institutional aid, 包括体育奖学金, EFOS奖学金, 住房补助金或绿宝石奖学金. 如果学生获得捐赠或部门奖励, 这笔钱可以用在4WARD上, 假设奖学金不仅限于支付学费. If a student works as an RA and receives room and board in kind, that is also acceptable.

  • 我必须先付所有的钱吗?


    No; you'll pay for each year on the regular 计费 schedule. 请注意,付款计划是可用的.

    了解更多关于 计费.

  • 我如何申请4WARD毕业奖学金?


    当你收到正式录取通知书时, you will also receive information on opting into the 4WARD Scholarship, 如果你符合条件. When you receive your official financial aid award letter after receipt of your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), 您将再次有机会选择加入4WARD.

    你可以向 (电子邮件保护)

  • 4WARD奖学金是否包括学费?


    No. 4WARD只包括学费. Students will be responsible for fees, including registration and online courses fees. 

    Students in the Aviation program are eligible to participate in the 4WARD Scholarship program with the understanding that aviation fees are billed separately from 澳门最正规网网站登录 Tuition and are NOT included in the 4WARD Scholarship award.

  • 我必须在校园里住四年吗?

    是的, the 4、毕业奖学金 is contingent upon the student living on campus for four years. While we lock in the rate for a double room in a traditional residence hall, upper class students are eligible to live in non-traditional residence halls, 包括校内公寓. 例如, 这个村庄 is an apartment-style residence hall with private bathrooms for each suite. If a student lives in an apartment, they are not required to purchase a meal plan. 的 student will pay the apartment rent that is at the going rate. 公寓租金没有锁定功能. 学生必须像任何学生一样进入公寓抽签程序. 的re is no guarantee of an apartment since it is a lottery system.
  • 如果我选择搬到校外呢?

    If you are no longer living on campus, you will not be eligible for the 4、毕业奖学金. 取决于你的情况, you have the option to request reinstatement of your Emerald Scholarship. 这些都是根据具体情况进行审查的. 如果你的翡翠奖学金恢复, it is not retroactively applied to any previous semesters that you have paid for.
  • 我可以在国外学习一个学期吗?

    的 4、毕业奖学金 is a live and learn on-campus opportunity. We encourage students to study abroad over the summer or in short programs throughout the year, but the 4WARD Scholarship precludes them leaving for an entire semester.
  • 为什么我必须住在校园里?


    的 4、毕业奖学金 is a commitment to support your academic success and financial stability as you graduate college within four years. Several studies and innumerable observations have proven that there is a direct correlation between student success and on-campus living.

    Highlighting the supportive environment and diverse interactions between peers, 教职员工, on-campus living has been demonstrated to have a direct correlation to student success and on-time graduation. 的 results of a five-decade survey by the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA proves that on-campus living has a “positive impact on degree attainment” On-campus living supports learning. 进一步 这项研究发表在《澳门最正规网网站登录》上 concludes the same: on-campus students are more likely to stay in school and to graduate than their commuter counterparts. 另一个 全国学生参与调查分析[PDF] concludes that “seniors who live on campus [are] more engaged with advisors and faculty than their off-campus counterparts.”

    通过在校园里生活和学习, students have the opportunity to fully integrate into the campus community and academic experience. 最终, students who live on campus are able to maximize the return on investment of their higher education experience.

    • 费尔德曼,K. (1994). 高等教育学报,65(5),615-622. doi: 10.2307/2943781
    • 布朗,R. (1992). 高等教育学报,63(3),355-358. doi: 10.2307/1982025
